Monday, July 5, 2010

Cullen House

The Cullens house. Edward, Bella, Renesmee,
Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett live here. Same with
other vampires that the Cullens accept.


  1. Bella peered over the edge of the grand staircase. Then ran down them in a streak of brown and white, disappearing into the forest, heading to the small cottage.
    (Could you also add that? You don't have to though lol)

    Taylor looked in the window, seeing Bella flee. She pouted her lower lip jutting out, then shrugged returning to stare out into space.

  2. (The cottage?)

    "Hey Taylor, where'd Bella run off too. The cottage?" She asked, already knowing the awnser.

  3. "Hi Taylor, where'd Bella run off too?" She asked, already knowing the awnser.

  4. Jasper sat on the couch talking to Edward about 'stuff' when they saw Bella run out. Jasper glanced at Edward, who stood and walked outside after her.

    ~*Jasp and Ed*~

  5. "Yeah, but you already knew that right Alice?" Taylor rolled her eyes.

  6. "Yea." She nodded. "Now where has- oh!" She looked at Jasper and smiled. What was Bella feelingg before she left?" She asked.

  7. "Maybe you should just leave her alone, Alice" Taylor growled.

  8. She ignored Taylor's tone. "I can't help but worry for her. Unlike someone I care for my family members." With that she elegantly went down the stairs and into the forest. Breaking into a run as she smelled wolf. Seth maybe?

  9. "Worry for her?" Taylor echoed "All she did was run outside."

  10. "Yes, but some of the wolves are out there. We can't cross their border but they can cross are's they have before." She called across her shoulder as she went deeper into the forest, knowing how well vampires could hear.

  11. Skye jumped down the stairs three at a time. "Wait for me, I'm coming too!" she called, and set off after Alice.


  12. Rosalie walked down the stairs. "Where are they going?" she asked Taylor.

  13. "Didn't you hear? What happened to super hearing,huh?" Taylor hissed to Rosalie

  14. "No need to be nasty Taylor." She told her as she easily climbed the stairs, Seth behind her.

    He smiled. "Hi Rosalie, no worries Jake isn't with me." He turned to Taylor. "Hi."

  15. "Ugh, who brought in the wet dog?" Taylor sniffed "Were-wolf right?" she murmured to Seth.

  16. "Yup, stench and all. Alice let me in." He smiled and leaned against the wall.

  17. "At least I don't listen to other peoples conversations likes some people. Hey Seth your annoying sister isn't with you right?"

  18. "Ugh! Aaaaaaaalice!" Taylor whined leaning away from the smell "Why are you even here? Did Alice want you to stick your nose up Bella's business?" she hissed "Rose, since when are you cozy with the dogs?"

  19. "Nope, Leah is with Willow. Thank goodness! I can't take either of them, who cares if I''m with vampires, I'm not tasty!" He smirked.

    "He's here because he wants to be. Besides Edward likes him. Seth has the sweetest, more purest thoughts he knows." She smiled and looked at Seth. "Seth feel free to visit, just stay away from Taylor, she's a wee bit testy today."
    She walked off to find Jasper.

  20. "You sure are not tasty, yuck! I;d rather suck the life out of a pig then you. Thats a complement by the way" Taylor smirked. "Ugh, saving the gooey 'pure' talk till after I am out of earshot please, Alice."

  21. "Okay." She replied from downstairs.
    (Thunder you need to reply as Jasper, make him in the kitchen or something :P)

    Seth rolled his eyes. "Oh you are sure loveable. Your worse then Rosalie!" He scoffed. "No offence Rose."

  22. Taylor smiled, pulling her lips over her teeth "So maybe you'll leave faster? Why are yo even here huh? Just go back to your pack of dogs!"

  23. "She is worse then me. Which I hope gets Jacob of my back! Taylor I'm not okay with the dogs but if you ignore them you get used to them."

  24. "Righ Rose" Taylor sneered. "I'm sure being around the wolves warms your heart, right?"

  25. "No just when you get mad," she replied.

  26. "What are you talking about?" Seth asked. "You don't have hearts. Your dead."

    Alice laughed from downstairs.

  27. Taylor growled at Seth "Would you like to know how it feels like to be dead?" she hissed, stood up at walked over to Seth, eyes blazing.

  28. "I can self heal."

    "Hey now. Settle down Taylor. There's no need to get worked up." She told Taylor. Already up the stairs.

  29. Rosalie rolled her eyes. "I'll be in the forest tell me when red head over there isn't mad and then I'll come back!" She left the house.

  30. Taylor hissed at Rosalie then turned to Seth "You can't heal from a hand" she raised her hand, that was curled in a fist "through your heart, can you? That'd be impossible."

  31. "Taylor you should be nicer to Seth! I'm sorry Seth Taylor isn't used to having werewolves around," she scolded Taylor. She watched Rosalie leave. "Rosalie you better watch what you say!" hearing what Rosalie said.

  32. He smiled. "Thank you Esme."

    She smirked. "Vampires don't kill unless they have to, maybe Carlisle should teach you more Taylor."

  33. Taylor growled and coiled her muscles to spring, ignoring Esme and Alice. She hissed, a sound like a thousand bees buzzing. A red haze creeped over her vision and she was no longer Taylor, she was a fighting-hungry newborn vampire. "Phase" she spit through her mouth, not wanting to fight him vulnerably.

  34. "You should behave we don't The Volturi to come because of you," she said.

  35. "Yea. Settle is down Red."

    She pushed Taylor back, away from Seth. "You go that way. And you," She turned to Seth, "go to the kitchen Jasper should be there, I think."

  36. Taylor growled and lunged at Alice, he arms thrashing around Alice to try to get to Seth.

    Willow phased back into her her wolf looking in throgh the window, a paw on the porch. She growled at Taylor looking around for Seth FOR THE LOVE OF GOODNESS! Seth c'mon!

  37. Rosalie growled at Willow. "What is she doing here?" she pointed at Willow. "I wouldn't mind The Voltuir taking her!" she looked at Taylor

    "Taylor settle down. Where's Jasper he can settle her down?" Esme asked.

  38. Taylor hissed at Esme and then at Willow, aiming punches and kicks at Seth, around Alice.

    Willow growled at Rosalie So help me Seth! I will rip this puny house to shreds if you don't phase already!

  39. Rosalie hissed at Willow. "Get out of here dog no one wants you here!"

  40. Willow just continued to bark a single stream of insults, you could almost hear the exact words she was using WHO SAID WE WANTED YOU HERE, TICK!? IM HERA FOR MY BROTHER!! NOW GET HIM OUT HERE BEFORE I KNOCK THIS HOUSE INTO RUBBLE AND RIP YOU HEADS OFF!


    Esme looked at Willow then said calmly. "I'm afraid that's not possible you see.."

  42. NOT POSSIBLE?? YEAH RIGHT PARASITE! Willow growled putting more weight on the porch until it groaned and creaked, the wood protesting loudly.

  43. "You see Taylor is a not glad Seth is here. If you come in she's going to be even worse," Esme explained.

    Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Take Seth if you want to but we warned you about Taylor," she smirked.


  45. Seth moved away from Taylor. "Get away from me, I didn't do anything to you."

    She shoved Taylor away. "Enough Taylor. Esme can you take her downstairs?"

  46. "Okay." She got Taylor. "Come on let's go downstairs."

  47. "But I don't wanna!" Taylor pouted instantly freezing when Alice touched her. She snarled but didn't struggle as Esme towed her away. "Don't come back dog!"

    Willow whined a low and long note Aww, c'mon! I didn't even get to swipe at her!

  48. He looked towards his sister. "No, I'm fine now go tell Leah I am or she will come here. Since you are in wolf form she knows what happened!" He sighed and walked over to Alice. "I'm sorry. I guess I spend to much time with Jake. Should I leave?" He asked.

    "You don't have to, and I don't blame you. You and Taylor act like Rosalie and Jacob!" She chuckled.

  49. "Yeah! He wishes I did!" Taylor growled aiming a kick at Seth.

    LEAH! Willow screamed mentally in her head Seths fine! But come down here anyway, I don't think I could be near here with more then 2 vamps

  50. I'm coming! She reached the house in a second and growled. Looking in the window she saw the red head kick Seth.

    "Oof." He flew back and stumbled a bit.

    "TAYLOR! ENOUGH!" She hissed and ran over to Seth. She helped him up. "Get downstairs!"

  51. Willow growled and started to climbed around the house SETH! GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE!

    Taylor smiled and waved bye from behind Esme "Hope you don't come back!" she said in a sugar sweet voice.

  52. "I will be back, waiting to please the sweet little bloodsucker." He looked at Esme, Rosalie, and Alice. "No offence."

    "None taken."

  53. SETH!

    "Okay then" Taylor mused still in her sugar sweet voice "Ill see you later"

  54. He bounded down the stairs and jumped out the front door, phasing as he sailed past Willow. Lets go!

    She nodded and ran after Seth.

  55. Stupid redhead! You know how close I was to tearing down that house,Seth? What in the world is you with you? Willow growled racing after Leah.

    "Hmm, that was interesting. Now lets go to the store and get some air freshener! It smells like wet dog!" Taylor laughed

  56. He rolled his eyes. Nothing is with me, I'm just friends with the Cullens, and it just happens they had to take in a stray vampire who happens to hate me.

    Seth, this is serious, you might not be able to go back..

  57. "Me! Next time Seth come I'm out of here. I don't like Willow and Leah so close to the house" she said.

    Esme sighed. "What are we going to do with you Taylor?"

  58. "I say we feed her to the wolves." She teased.

    (Gonna post as Seth && Leah in the Quilette forest)

  59. "Me?" Taylor pointed to herself and laughed "Good luck! Plus it really does smell in here" she curled her lip in distaste.


  60. Rosalie went over to the kitchen. "Really Alice feed her to the wolves we can do better then that!"

  61. Taylor laughed another tinkling laugh. "Wow, 'Rose' I didn't realize you were cozy with the werewolves! I would be a treat wouldn't I?"

  62. "No you wouldn't you taste horrible!"

  63. "I agree with Rose." Then she turned to her adopted sister. "Would you want to go hunting this weekend?" She asked then glanced at Taylor. "If shes in a better mood I'll ask her."

  64. Taylor jerked her chin upwards "I don't need to go with you! I don't need to be babysat! Ill go on my own, but if any humans cross my path then their dead!" she shrugged "You can choose."

  65. "Or we can take you to the wolves right now so you can hunt there alone!" She looked at Taylor. "And we always hunt together." She told her.

  66. "You dare hurt a human I will feed you to the wolves myself." She threatened. "Especially if you go anywhere neat Bella's father or anyone in Forks."

  67. Taylor shrugged "I am a newborn remember, or did you already forget? I am not afraid of those wolves, their all bark and no brains! And Alice just said she didn't want me to come along, well until I get in a better mood. And who knows when that will happen?" she laughed, standing up. "I wasn't planing on going to Forks, I'm going towards the wolf forest! Bears, yum"

  68. "Let her go I hope one of the wolves gets her!" She rolled her eyes. "I'll go hunting maybe Jasper and Carlilse can come too if they are not busy."

    Esme came out of the kitchen. "I'll stay here I can go hunting another day." She told them.

  69. She looked at her adopted mother. "Are you sure?" She asked. "I mean who knows when we will go out later." She then turned to Rosalie. "I'll ask Jasper and Carlisle. But I think it might be better if we take Bella. You know she might not be used to out living yet."

  70. "Okay we'll ask Bella too." She said.

    "I'm sure I can go hunting any other day. Plus someone needs to make sure Taylor doesn't do something stupid." She said looking at Taylor.

  71. She laughed. "I guess." She looked at Rosalie. "I think Bella's in her cottage. I'm not quite sure."

  72. Taylor shrugged, "Ill meet you guys later. . . .But I really really hope no one is hiking today." she shrugged again and fluttered out of the run, breaking into a run before she got out of the house.

  73. She rolled her eyes. "Come on Rose let's go and find Bella."

  74. "Okay." She got up and went over with Alice.

  75. (We gotta wait til Willowfeather replies. She plays Bella.)

    She looked back to her sister. "Shall we look in the cottage first?" She suggested.

  76. (Why dont you meet her at the forest? Ill make her leave the cottage and start walking over here but you meet her in the forest)
